St. Patricks Cathedral |
My second day in New York was so eventful and fun! I started my day off with a short jog through central park. The park is beautiful and full of so much life; From the homeless people on the ground to the wealthy people having yoga classes, This place is extremely diverse to say the least. After sweating like a pig due to the humidity, I made my way into the touristy part of town where I ran into the Mr.Flawless Jewelry shop. If you aren't already familiar with what that is, it's a jewelry shop located on 6th Avenue. This shop sells some of the most extravagant jewelry I have ever laid eyes on. Flawless is a destination hub for many big time celebs, One in particular being Floyd Mayweather (Just to give you an idea of how nice the jewelry really is).
Skyline View |
I finished up my browsing session and headed to the St.Patricks Cathedral, This is where I met two turkish girls. Little did I know, these girls were crazy! After a short couple hours of hanging out, we were dumpster diving for fresh bread that the bakeries throw out on a daily basis. Crazy Right? You may be wondering why we were digging for trash instead of just buying a dollar slice of pizza and that is a question that not even I can answer. LOL. I decided to do a good deed and give all of my trash food to the homeless people on the streets. This was a win win for me because I didn't have to eat the food and because I got to help people out. The experience gave me a greater appreciation for life and made me feel good inside. I finshed off the night by going to Hoboken New Jersey to check out the skyline view and it was beautiful, thanks for reading. Next entry coming tomorrow :)